Last Week...

Last week I didn't blog much, but I took some cute pictures. In no particular order....

Gabbi hanging out with her baby

My dear friend from college came over to make some tag blankets, burp clothes, teething rings, and snuggle blankets. Here are the tag blankets!

And she brought over this handsome man.

The boys had a play date while we sewed...

I put Brent in a super cute seersucker, smocked, frilly outfit that would have never flown with daddy home :)

Gabbi turned 13....oh wait, she didn't? hmmm....

I tried out a few new dishes. Grilled chicken, tomato, mozzarella and pesto paninis on cibatta rolls.And goat cheese pasta with asparagus, mushrooms, lemon zest and sun dried tomatoes.

It got really cold (for FL) we snuggled up to stay warm!

But the sun came back!Single digits till Daddy's home! I promise to post pics of that soon :)


  1. Oh ya! That goat cheese I ate it in the car on the ride home if that tells you anything :)

    1. Hahaha I meant to ask you, what did it need? More tomatoes? More lemon juice?

  2. I want to eat those yummy dishes! And those yummy baby cheeks!

  3. 1. that food looks delicious! 2. gabbi's smile is priceless and you can see right to her heart, and 3. the one of you kissing brent is a new fav!


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