Gabriana Joy

I can't believe Gabbi is ten months old. it seems like just yesterday i was here in Franklin, pregnant as can be, waiting to meet the little girl that i knew would steal my heart. but here we are, again, in Franklin, TEN months later. this last month has been such a month of changes and challenges for Gab. Bernard deploying and then us moving was so much harder on her than i expected. But, like she always has, she not only survived this stormed, she THRIVED in it. She started rolling, scooting, talking (-ish), and even crawling this last month. she's waving and clapping and picking up on some of the signs i've been working on with her. I'm so proud of her and so impressed with the CHILD that she's become. i love her more than i could've imagined. When i get nostaligic like this, i like to look back at pictures, and i thought i'd share just a few of Gabriana's incredible journey so far and the pure Joy she brings to my life. Enjoy


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