Open and Honest
I have been wanting to sit and blog for a long time. You see,
when you are a casual blogger-I’ll put myself in that category- you run into a
few problems.
- Time. No one pays me to sit and write, so even though I love it and it’s therapeutic, I don’t carve out enough time in my day to do it regularly.
- Privacy. This could also be labeled Family. I love the idea of a very blunt and open blog. One that is human and honest, but you run into a lot of problems when you have people that love you and don’t necessarily want their bis or yours all over the world wide web.
- Followers. I have a few. Very few. So sometimes I wonder if I’ve already texted, phoned, facebooked or voxered my story out to all my friends. In which case, who wants to sit and read something they’ve already heard?
Anyway, a few things I suppose have been pressing on my
heart that I want to share.
Everyone has their STUFF. STUFF, for the sake of this blog, officially
encompasses pet peeves, short comings, trials, and struggles. Let’s take me for
example (it’s my blog, if you don’t want to read about me, feel free to click
the red X in the upper right hand corner.) I have
some short comings that I’ve been trying to work on. Why not air them out like dirty laundry for
accountability, right?
- I tend to burn bridges. I really am disappointed in myself about this one. If someone in my life has (in my little mind) seriously wronged me or a very close loved one, I tend to wipe my hands clean and burn the bridge. The problem with this is that whole Christian-thing of forgiveness. I’m all for allowing someone to exit your life who is toxic, or less than positive, but I’m also called to forgive and allow RESOLVE. I’m working on this one a lot right now.
- I also am lazy. I mean, it’s not really a secret. I hate to sweat, to exercise, especially to run. It makes me angry. I would rather lay in a field with a blanket and a book. Doesn’t that sound so much better?! BUT while reading is awesome for exercising my mind, I surely am not becoming any more flexible with my blanket in the field. Gabbi told me the other night that my bones click a lot on the steps. Ummm I’m 28. And pretending to cheer with your 5 year old is way less fun when you pull a muscle and or get out of breath after 4 minutes of play time. This may or may not have actually happened. Point being, I keep my mind sharp, I try to eat healthy, I give my body some amazing vitamins and supplements, but I really need to step up my game and get off my booty. It’s definitely not getting smaller…
- Ok two short comings are good for now. I’d still like some friends after this post.
Last thing. I don’t know why we’re taught to bear burdens
alone. The Lord has blessed me with some pretty tough situations (yes you read
that right-blessed). I have to believe He didn’t do this so I could never share
them. He uses everything for His glory and for our good. (For real- check out
Joseph in Genesis. Aprile Sweers has some pretty amazing insight on that.) I
believe we are not meant to struggle alone or in silence. That’s why He put
people in my life that could relate, couuld say, “Girl, I am going through the same
thing.” Even when it’s nasty or lonely or scary. If you’re going through
something, don’t be afraid to talk about it. If nothing else, let others cover
you in prayer when the words are too hard to find and at best, let Him reveal
His plan and purpose to you through the people He puts in your life.
Alright, I’ll leave you with a funny story so this isn’t all
so heavy but also that embraces this whole open and honest vibe: Our little man
had a botched circumcision when he was born (I mean, it was bad) and was
recircumcised earlier this year. The other day he was running around without
his diaper on and Gabs looked at him and yelled, “WHAT?! Brent has a PENIS???”
Hahaha. I’m thinking I should send his urologist a thank you note with that
story in it…
Nice post. You are not lazy, my friend. Don't be so hard on yourself! Not to mention that I can't think of a single field in the greater-Tampa area that sounds the least bit enticing in this heat and humidity. :)